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Course Type: Full-length Course
Duration: 60

Cricothyrotomy: Surgical Airway Realities

Presented By: Steven Rahm

Course Description

The pathway to mitigation of a true “can’t intubate, can’t oxygenate” situation is very direct—a cricothyrotomy. Many paramedics will never perform this procedure in their career; are YOU ready? The low-frequency, high-risk nature of this procedure mandates absolute knowledge of the anterior neck anatomy, frequent practice, and procedural confidence. When cricothyrotomy fails, it is often the result of an inability to properly locate the anatomic structures of the larynx. This course explores the realities of cricothyrotomy in a unique manner, using high-resolution cadaveric images, the anterior neck will be procedurally dissected and critical anatomic structures will be identified. A step-by-step approach—based on the latest evidence and best practices—will be followed to maximize your success in performing this time-sensitive, final option procedure.

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Course Type: Full-length Course

Course Duration: 60 min

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